Oak Tree

Are Oak trees protected? Understanding Oak Tree Conservation.

English Oak Trees in the UK are only protected if they are in a conservation area or have a TPO covered by them. Oak Trees are most found in the south and east of England. They have a wide, irregular, rounded crown and their bark is grey and fissured. They are adorned in Britain. They offer home to 2,300 + wildlife species, crucial for eating, finding shelter & breeding. So, there is great understanding why the public may think this majestic specie would have a TPO.  

In this article we will discuss how to find out if your English Oak Tree is protected & what are the causes for them to be protected by a Tree Preservation Order.

Why Oak Trees Matter ?

These beautiful large trees support more life-forms than any other tree in the UK. Oak Trees contribute greatly to landscapes, biodiversity, culture & the economy. With a storied history and legendary status.

oak tree image

Oak Tree Protection Laws in the UK

It is important to understand any species can be protected, but no specie is singularly protected by the Tree Preservation Order like the English Oak Tree, as their other guidelines in the protection of trees in the UK that it must meet. You can contact our team for all Tree removals.

Permits and Regulations

You Should always check with your local council first, as there are other factors outside of a tree specie that will have a Tree Preservation order on your property which maybe bird nesting & other wildlife reasons. In this Link you will have access to all relevant questions regarding protected trees by the UK Government.